088. Discovery Day

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Explore, eat, and make new memories!


Children’s Museums are places where discovery and curiosity are brought to life through a touchable learn-by-doing atmosphere designed to foster creativity and a passion for lifelong learning. The Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac provides 15,000 sq. feet of indoor space and more than 10,000 sq. feet of fenced outdoor space. CMFDL is full of fun and learning through play! Use the 5 Museum passes to take advantage of everything they have to offer! After playing and learning at the museum, enjoy some pizza from Eaton’s Fresh Pizza and schedule a photo shoot with Studio One. Besides the passes, this basket includes 3 free pizzas from Eaton’s Fresh Pizza and a Photo Session & 8 X 10 Natural Finish Portrait from Studio One Designer Photography. Donated by the Children’s Museum of FdL, Eaton’s Fresh Pizza, and Studio One Designer Photography.

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