Katie Moder has served on the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County Board of Directors since 2018. In her five years on the board, she has made an incredible difference by leading our agency as the Board President and also as a Big Sister.
Moder, a Consultant for the Leadership and Learning Center at CESA 6, closes out her term as Board President this year. In her time as Board President, she’s been instrumental in ongoing strategic planning and the growth of the agency.
“BBBS of Fond du Lac boasts an exceptional team of dedicated individuals who are committed to making a difference. The local businesses in our area have been instrumental in supporting our mission, and I am incredibly grateful for their ongoing support.”
Several BBBS staff and board members are making a difference as Bigs in our community, including Moder herself. She was matched with her Little Sister Sophia in 2021 and continues to lead by example as a community-based mentor.
“As an educator, I have seen children grow and thrive with the addition of a mentor. As President of the Board, I have seen how our organization makes a difference communitywide. As a Big, I have been blessed to grow and become a better human, thanks to my Little.”
When she’s not working, supporting BBBS, or serving on the Fond du Lac School Board, Moder enjoys lazy days on the lake, visiting the zoo with her Little and granddaughter, and occasionally getting adventurous on a jet ski or four-wheeler.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County is a United Way Agency that assists children with social, emotional, and character development through one-to-one mentoring relationships with caring adults. The agency matches children with a Big Brother, Sister, Couple, or Family in a community or school-based program. Children ages 6-13 can enroll in the program through parent or guardian referral. For more information about the program or to volunteer, call (920) 922-8200 or visit www.bbbsfdl.org.